Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Proud Mommy Moments

I can't figure out why, but my pictures aren't scaling to the right size. Once I get this figured out I will fix it, but in the meantime I'm leaving it as is.

Gracie has begun school. I can't believe it. My kid - my freaking kid - is in school now. Whoa.

This little chunker is in school now. I can't get over it.

It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital. This area got the closest thing to a blizzard that I've seen in quite some time the day she was born. We had to drive home, a 30 minute highway drive, going about 40 mph. It took so long. But that ride in the backseat with her was so great. We just looked at each other while she held fast to my index finger. *sigh*

But now she's growing up. A couple Wednesdays ago I walked her to her first day of school.

She was so excited.

I don't know how I made it through the day without crying. But I did.

She's really enjoying school so far. She's just like me and doesn't like to get up early. It's hard forcing her to get up when I know that I'm just going to go back to bed when I get home. But I don't tell her that. :)

In other news, Kairi is 5 months old now! She's getting so big! On her 5 month birthday she started doing a few new things. Well, she started doing 2 new things and began doing 1 old thing but really loudly and frequently - when she laughs or gets really excited she will squeal as she inhales. It's so freaking cute. It used to be a very few and far between kind of thing but now I hear it often daily. She's also started doing this funny lip smacking/popping thing. It's really loud and really cute. And she likes raspberries with her cereal too. ...No, I'm not talking about the fruit. She blows raspberries while eating, flinging and spraying cereal everywhere. It's fun though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww! what cuties!

be happy proud mommy!!


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