I married my wonderful husband Jason on June 1, 2007. We had been together for 6 years to the day. He is my world, my rock, my everything. I am so in love.Gracie is my oldest daughter. She is so freaking cool. She's my phoenix; she pretty much literally saved my life. I realized when I had her that my life had just been a series of moments building up to the event of her birth. I was never complete until she was born and I became a mother. She has taught me more about myself in the 5 years she's been alive than I learned in the 21 years I had prior to her.
Kairi is the newest edition to the family. She's a bit of a wild thing, which is awesome. She's tough but sweet and is turning out to be everything I'd expect in a second child and more. Since having her, I have become more aware of a lot of the, I guess, mommy-politics: things like the boycott against Nestle and issues dealing with breastfeeding and natural parenting. I am becoming less tolerant of the intolerant and morally bankrupt.