Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New 'Do

I try not to focus too much on vanity. As a mom, I have very little time for it, plus although I guess it's supposed to highlight the attractive features of a person, it kind of just makes me cringe.
However, it has been two years since I've had my hair done. And even then, I just got my split ends chopped off in a "get it done quick to get it out of my way" hair cut. Because let's face it, learning how to breastfeed can be really hard when your hair is always falling in your daughter's face or over your boobs before she has the chance to latch on.

So when my mother asked me in November what I wanted from her for Christmas, I told her I wanted to get my hair done.
I went last week and finally got it taken care of. I had her cut me some layers in hopes that my hair won't tangle as badly as it has been this past year, and I got highlights. 
Anyway - sorry for the short posts lately. I am trying to figure out how to focus on school as well as balance everything else in and the blog has fallen a bit to the wayside. I'm starting to get it down though, I think, so hopefully more posts - with some length - to come.

Until then, be safe and have fun. And to you moms out there, take an afternoon and do something for yourself. Just getting my hair done has made me feel loads lighter.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quick Hit: The Things My Children Say

Gracie: I have a hole in my panties!

Me: Uh oh - time for a new pair!

Gracie: It's cuz I tooted in them.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tips on How to Be an American

A friend of mine moved to Germany when she was twelve and is moving back home to the States in three months. She's asking for tips on how to be an American.

Here's my list:

1. Buy a couch from a thrift store. Put it on your porch. Leave it. Sit on it in the summer time every now and again, but mostly just leave it.

2. Eat at McDonald's for every meal of every day until you develop a serious medical condition.

3. Ask for state funded medical care and then bitch about how Obama is attempting to turn the entire country into a bunch of Commies with his socialized medicine.

4. If you learned any foreign languages while away, forget them. Replace them with the following words: "Y'all. 'Sup. What it do. Homie don't play that."

5. Any time previously spent reading or enriching yourself culturally should now be spent watching Desperate Housewives, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and Jersey Shore.

6. Everything tastes better with bacon.

7. Trade in your economical, small car for a Hummer. Drive it every chance you get, even if it's for no reason whatsoever.

8. Buy a television for every room in your house. Leave them on at all times.

9. Bigger is always better. ALWAYS.

10. Get some guns. Mount them on your walls, as well as in the back window of your pick up truck.

So.... I'm totally joking and I honestly don't expect her to do any of these things, but it was still fun poking fun of myself and the people I know.

What would you add to this list?

P.S. I would like to add that I really do love my country and I realize that we're not all rednecks and not everyone here is stupid, fat, and/or lazy. We're very diverse and whatnot. I hope no one is offended by my jokes. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Momma's New Shoes

Momma got a new pair of shoes!

Yup, that's right. I got some new shoes. I was walking down the super-clearance aisle at Wal-Mart yesterday and saw these puppies there...

I've been kind of eying them for the past few months. Cute, huh? So when I saw them on sale, I jumped! And guess what.... They were only $2!

"$2?!" I said. "Can't beat that price!" I tried one on and put them in the basket and went on my merry way.

But when I got home, I found out why they were only $2. See if you can guess.

Thanks, Wal-Mart.