Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Health Care Reform - Get Your Voice Heard

Hi guys. Sorry I have been MIA for a bit. I am still working on my story and I was planning on posting it as my next post, but I want to get this out first.

A fellow blogger, Loralee Choate of Loralee's Looney Tunes recently attended the BlogHer conference in Chicago. While there, she was invited to attend a small luncheon with White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett to discuss the health care reform.

A very brief rundown of the situation is this: Loralee's husband Jonathan switched jobs/job titles/something along those lines and had to switch insurance because of it. In the middle of switching insurance Loralee became pregnant and somehow, by some stupid loophole in the system basically, they fell through the cracks and she became uninsurable. Everyone she turned to told her that her pregnancy was considered a pre-existing condition. And her pregnancy was extremely high-risk. So she had to deal with this extremely difficult pregnancy and the stress of that while also dealing with the stress of being uninsured. The saga begins here if you want to read more details about it (it's much more accurate as well as better written too, so I do suggest it.)

Okay. So with that said, Loralee was invited to speak with Valerie Jarrett. She told her story and also spoke of her husband who has much more conservative views on the issue of health care. Both of them have written blog posts that are being read by the White House. Loralee's is here. Jonathan's can be found here.

The two of them have also been invited to the White House (yes, actually invited to go to the freaking White House) to express their views and opinions, and they are bringing with them the words of their readers. So please, go read what the two of them have to say and post some comments. Give them your opinions. What do you want changed? What do you want to remain? What policies to you agree with/disagree with?

If you have something to say, now is the time to say it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great info..


love and hugs!


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