Typically our visits consist of visiting for about 30-45 minutes while Gracie watches Spongebob (or whatever happens to be on Nickelodeon), then we eat. After dinner I try to help pick up the mess that has been made of the table and help with the dishes. Then, if it's nice out, we venture outside so Gracie and her cousins can play.
Last week I got to take advantage of the baby sling that I spent so much on before having Kairi. Don't get me wrong, I am happy I bought it and I have gotten quite a bit of use out of it... It just seems like now that it's summertime, the time I thought I'd be able to use it most, it's just to flippin hot.
Gramma gave Gracie a hat to wear. She was SO cute.
Hopefully we'll have at least a few more nice cool evenings to enjoy sitting on the porch while the kids play.