Monday, March 7, 2011

Quick Hit: Coleman Camping Against Co-Sleeping?

"...Do not let young children sleep on this airbed until they are mature enough to sleep in an adult bed. Young chiildren can suffocate on adult beds (including airbeds), particularly when sleeping with another person. Ask your pediatrician for specific recommendations for you child."

I realize that Coleman is probably trying to err on the side of caution, but perhaps they would do better to err on the side of accuracy by asking that parents and/or guardians choosing to co-sleep do so safely.

For those curious about safe ways to co-sleep, here's a great link that has a lot of good information:


After receiving a comment regarding a baby lost during co-sleeping on an air-mattress, I am curious as to whether or not there are different standards for air-mattresses and am certainly open to reading any findings or studies in this area.

I am deeply sorry to hear about the loss of any child and I hope that I haven't offended anyone here.